How do I create an account?

Click here to find the "create account" form. Fill in your name, contact information, and email and password, and you're set! When you sign up, you'll be logged in automatically and can start creating your entries right away.

Where do I go to submit entries?

When you first log into your account , you'll see a "Start a new entry" form. Simply choose which category you want to enter, give your entry a title, and click the "Start" button. In the form that loads, you will find all the information you need in order to submit an entry to your selected category. You don't have to complete your entry all in one sitting. Your entry saves while you work, so you can always come back to it later.

When you're finished, tap the "Add to cart" button at the bottom of the entry form. Your entries are considered "officially entered" once payment for your entry fees has been received.

What file formats are accepted?

Audio files must be in .wav or .mp3 formats. Video files must be in .mp4 or .mov formats. File sizes for all formats must not exceed 2 GB (2,000 MB). TV stations should consider exporting larger files as 720p to meet the size requirements.

How do I pay?

2 payment options: by credit card at checkout or invoice. If an invoice is preferred click the "Invoice me" button. This will send an email to us automatically informing us that you'd like to pay by invoice. You'll receive an email, too, as a record of your invoice request. Once you have your invoice, payment can be made accordingly.

Once we've received your payment, your entries will be available to our judges. Submissions will not be judged if payment is not received.

Can I make changes to my entry after I've submitted it?

Yes, you can continue to edit your entries until the submission deadline. After the deadline, you will be able to view your entries, but the editing controls will be disabled.

Do I need any kind of special software to make my entries?

This awards system is entirely web-based. You can create your entries on your phone, iPad, laptop, or any computer. All you need is a browser.

How do you protect my information?

Your account is protected by industry-leading 4096-bit encryption, and the entire system is backed up every day.

When will GABBY Awards Finalists Be Announced

The full list of GABBY Awards Finalists will be announced via email, social media, and press release on or before July 1st, 2024.

When will GABBY Awards be presented? 

The 2024 GABBY Awards will take place on the evening of Saturday, September 7th, 2024 at the Jekyll Island Conventon Center. We are still finalizing details, so keep an eye out for updates on this page.

I was announced as a finalist, do I still have to pay for a ticket to the GABBY Awards?

Yes, all finalists and their guests are required to purchase tickets to this event.

Can I order a duplicate of my GABBY or Merit Award?

Yes, all duplicate orders, regardless of the year of your GABBY will be accepted from Monday, September 9th through Friday, November 1st. In order to take advantage of bulk discounts, the GAB only submits one group order to our engraver. Duplicate requests received past this date will be held until the next year's order window.